[frogs] lilycontib.tcl

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You may recall that Johannes Schindler created a very simple gui to git that
was customized for LilyPond, so that a new contributor could get started
with no fuss.

I modified that gui a bit, and now it has the ability to create a new local
repository, update the repository, and make patches relative to

It *does not* have any commit functionality.

I'd like to ask any of you who are willing to try it out, and see if it's

You can find it at 

You will need to save the file in your home directory. You should probably
change the line in the file that reads

set lily_dir $env(HOME)/lilypond


set lily_dir $env(HOME)/lilypond-test

if you already have a git copy of lilypond.

In order for this to work, you will need to have git and wish.  But I think
git depends on tcl, so if you have git you should have wish.

To start the application, type

wish lilycontrib.tcl

This will open a window.  You can then fetch lilypond, or pull it at any
time by clicking on the appropriate button.

You can make changes to any file you want, then commit the changes (using
either the command line or git gui).

Once you have commited the changes, you can create a patch set relative to
origin/master by clicking on the patch button.

Please give it a try, and tell me if you think it's helpful.




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