Re: [frogs] patch for issue 708

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On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 07:14:28AM -0600, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> Graham, I added a comment to the bugtracker, and tried to change the status,
> but I couldn't find a way to do it?  Do I have access to change status?

You have the same access as Valentin, and he can do this stuff.
To change the status, you need "add a comment" (even if you don't
want to leave a comment), then select the Status drop-down box.

> On a more general note, do you have any suggestions for how to check
> convert-ly rules?  For code, we have regression tests.  For convert-ly, as
> far as I know, we have nothing.  Should we be establishing convert-ly
> regression tests?

I hope think that we won't have so many convert-ly rules that this
become necessary.  Certainly at the moment I think it would take
more work than it would be worth.

If we ever get a dedicated convert-ly person (another unfilled job
for years *sigh*), then this could be a good idea.

- Graham


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