[frogs] Re: Patch for My bit of Frogs Task 1.

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On 1/9/09 11:58 AM, "Ian Hulin" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> Here's a patch for ny bit of the first Frogs Task, but I've got some
> questions.

The patch is nicely formatted, thanks.

I'd prefer to have patches with a .patch extension, instead of .txt.

The docstring for mapMusic should be a definition-string, not a usage-string
(as had been discussed relative to other patches).

Something like

"Apply @var{proc} to each element of @var{mus}."

> I've noticed that music-functions-init.ly is supposed to be
> alphabetical, but several are out of order (e.g. pageBreak followed by
> noPageBreak because they've been grouped by function).

It seems to me that \noXX functions should be grouped alphabetically with
\XX functions (and come immediately after in the file).  So it should be
done just as in your example.

> Also the updated lyric-handling functions are not there (addlyrics,
> lyricsto, lyricmode).  I've put a TODO comment in about this in the
> file, but are there any other files the build uses as a source for
> documentation streams that I need to add doc strings to?

We've had this discussion elsewhere, I think.

> I've also attached a small example of using mapMusic to use different
> articulation styles for a passage of music - any use as an LSR snippet?

If there's not already something like it in the LSR, definitely.  However, I
don't handle LSR snippets.  I think Neil does.



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