[frogs] Re: Patch for my bit of Frogs Task 1

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Ian Hulin a écrit :
I originally tried to send the patch as an attachment, but the list moderator bounced the original message because I wasn't subscribed.

If you suscribed at lists.gnu.org, there is no difference whether you send messages with attachments or not, as long as the whole message is less than 80 kB.

Here's the patch text as an attachment.

Please keep this on a list, at least on Frogs list if not on -devel, as I'm sure there are other Frogs that use and Windows and who'd like to know about this discussion.

I had to generate it here by screen-scraping via the clipboard into Windows notepad, so I'm not sure if I've got the line-endings in the right format for Unix systems.

Isn't the patch generated in a file named xxxx-Short-commit-message.txt? If Git is confused by line endings when applying, it is possible to use a shell/sed/python scripts to fix this.

How do I check this on Windows?

You may want to install a decent text editor: JEdit, GNU Emacs, or whatever you like which handles character encoding conversion and line endings conversion.



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