I would like to volunteer.
I’ll put as much time as I can into the process. I personally teach geometry by example using Godot. And it looks like we (department) are going to use Godot to teach simulations (as modules) this semester.
Anyways I would love to help with your idea. Having good courses should guarantee steady increase in Godot users, which will secure Godot future.
As a side comment. A Godot biggest drawback at the moment is a lack of “serious” developers/studios using it. At some point we should invest some time in making state of the art, eye catching examples. Something that is targeted at people that know game development.
Maybe the third course could address that?
Best regards,
Leszek Nowak
I have been on and off working for material for a Godot Engine Fundamental course (3.0).
The plan is to create 3 courses, where the first course is dedicated to learn Programming with Godot Engine / GDScript. Not very exciting, but very fundamental and important - especially if you are new to programming. Here you will learn the basics about variables,
OOP, and so on. This does include theory on each topic, and not just "teach by example".
The second course will be dedicated teaching basic game development principles with Godot Engine. Nothing fancy, but you will get your feet wet and learn what you need to make your own 2D games.
The third course will be dedicated to 2D and 3D game development. This will be a bit more advanced, but we will go more in depth and work towards developing a "bigger game".
Why am I posting about this? Because I care that the learning material is excellent. I want people to be safe about learning good coding. Good working principles.
What I would like to ask of every single one of you, are volunteeers to peer review the materials, during and after creation.
Lately I have been busy due to getting a new job - dedicating my own time to learning everything I need in order to do a great job at ... my job.
Now I am finally ready to go back in Godot, and - I figure while I spend 3 hours on the train rides, to write material for the course.
Volunteers willing to review the material will get access to a Trello board, where I will post the content as I go. (I could go for Google Docs, but.... well - let us try first and see how it goes).
Thoughts? Theories? Game theories? :P
Vennlig hilsen,
Ivan Skodje