Re: [tf-games] Games inside Tuxfamily & Minetest

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Last point I have is something for which i'm a bit awkward about how to word it or what to do, to sum up I'm wondering if there would be an interest in improving a bit the «Game administration» side of Tuxfamily.
For instance, I had forgotten about the existence of this ops list.
The main point for this may be to refresh a bit this page:
... and make it look more like a portal (it may not lack much).
The goal would also be to avoid leaving the game servers getting too rusty because of a lack of communication about how it works. I would be curious for instance about if the servers you administrate evolve or rather remain static and working. Maybe it's fine as is, maybe we can't do more, or maybe you have other ideas, but in any case I'm interested in what you think.



I can't say anything else than "why not" for minetest, there could be some volunteer once the thing is set up, so it doesn't hurt to try.

About your last point, I'm whiling to help to bring a better look at the game server of tuxfamily. I myself manage the project Evol Online with Andrei (4144) since now 4 years (happy birthday evol!), so bringing more attention to TF's games would be a great benefit for all of us.

If anyone else share this feeling we could spend some time all-together on IRC to think about what we can and should do.


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