Re: [sponsorship] money for travels

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great, well then I am going to have to start writing letters,

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Dashamir Hoxha <dashohoxha@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:25 AM, jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dasho,
> you can help us write letters and find people in albanian to do this.
> What about setting up a list of possible sponsors and other ngos to contact
> in civicrm and managing the sending of letters to them?

The access to civicrm is open to everyone. So, why should I do everything?
I have to work for my job as well. I work for the conference during the night
(killing my sleep). If I have to do everything (like you), then I should better
quit the job (and then start begging for money like you). Sorry, my intention
is not to be harsh, although I have a bad reputation for this.


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