[sponsorship] chat with datacharmer

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<datacharmer> Let's set the ground rules:
 1) I will try to get sponsorship
<Phurl> ok.
<datacharmer> 2) for that, being an invited keynoter would be helpful
<Phurl> that is easy for albania
 for kosovo i think as well
<datacharmer> 3) Oracle does not sponsor events that are not well
organizes. So the web site, CfP, and everything needs to be online and
well defined soon
<Phurl> yes, we have a good start
 but it is not good enough
 let me work on that
 what is the deadline
 http://www.oracle.com/us/openworld/index.htm that is where you are speaking
<datacharmer> If you can get me an official request from the
organizers to be a keynoter by the end of this week, I can start
asking my new bosses about sponsoring

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