[papers] Re: Participating in the scientific committee |
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- To: Ervin Ruci <eruci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [papers] Re: Participating in the scientific committee
- From: Dashamir Hoxha <dashohoxha@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:34:58 +0200
- Cc: jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, papers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:received:in-reply-to:references :date:received:message-id:subject:from:to:cc:content-type; bh=dyojPnG3xsVUohB77iMZh3ifiAtKCt5wJILGWHZVjyg=; b=GaTekpRn6nWhJlFYoS5Gxvxpcku6ukXt7kQgHZXYmFgct4FSOElWiRfnsO63PMnvjd uZpnUxahi0pQIQtj9R4VY/onLSHk7INrcLuuTv+igVS4u8wgFkdPCvGDPgqNXgn3Q1DN hWzYnoN3jZGraVzlBBj/1AlsQhoukerG39eZU=
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We have not decided yet about the issue of peer-review etc.
After you become a member of the scientific committee, we
can discuss and decide about it. So, I think that your
answer is yes (just say it, don't let me guess).
I don't think there is going to be any large volumes, huge work
etc. Anyway, we can schedule our work so that it is not overwhelming.
Do you think that we can also invite the Dean of the University
of Vlora, Mr. Tanush Shaska, to be a member of the scientific committee?
It would be a honor for us if he accepted.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Ervin Ruci <eruci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It depends on wether you want the submission to be peer-reviewed (in which
> case you need experts of various fields, of which we have very little here).
> I doubt this will work if the volumme of the submissions is large.
> e.
> On Apr 20, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
>> Ervin,
>> First of all I would like to thank you again for
>> participating in the last meeting.
>> I have discussed also with Mike, and we think that
>> it would be good to create a scientific committee for
>> the conference, whose duty would be to review the
>> submitted papers and to decide about which papers
>> should be accepted. We thought that we should
>> include in this committee key people from different
>> universities and academic institutions. We are
>> going to have a separate mailing list for this purpose.
>> You are the most appropriate person for being
>> included in such a committee (and mailing list),
>> so we invite you to participate. Do you accept
>> our invitation? Can you suggest us any other
>> person (from Vlora University or any other
>> universities) that can be suitable for participating
>> in such a committee?
>> Regards,
>> Dashamir