[sponsorship] Fwd: hi ekin, what about this september?

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ok, ekin is alive and well!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ekin Meroğlu <ekin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2010/5/5
Subject: Re: hi ekin, what about this september?
To: "jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote :
> Hi Ekin,

Hi Mike, it's great to hear from you again.. Hope everything's OK for you
and friends..

> I would like to ask you if you are willing to come back to Kosovo and
> Albania this september?

I'd very much like to, but I cannot be sure, cause I'm in the army now,
completing my military duty :-) So none of my future plans are clear for
the time being.. If I can actually come, it will probably be a last minute

> we are working on two conferences and would love to have you back, I have
> not heard anything from you.
> I hope that I did not do anything wrong,

Absolutely not, thanks for asking... For months, I've been in the army and
my internet connection was very unstable for weeks - so I read your mails
and announcements after a while, but I was unable to reply, sorry for

So when my schedule becomes clear, I'll let you know and plan the visits.
But for now, I'll just wait and see :-(

Say hi to everyone, hope to see you all in this september - I still miss
your hospilatity (and PEJA :-)) and look forward to come back..
happy hacking;
Ekin Meroglu <ekin_at_pardus.org.tr>

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