Re: [chrony-users] Using radio time signal for syncronization |
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hI ! im using gude dcf77 usb clocks with dcfshm.... to have them in range og gps clocks i use refclock SHM 0 offset 0.423 in config file br gerd Am 07.01.25 um 10:33 schrieb Miroslav Lichvar:
On Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 01:22:08AM +0000, Sviatoslav Feshchenko wrote:Is there either a software implementation that would allow chrony to synchronize to these time signals, or is there a device that can be purchased or built with certain chips, that would produce 1PPS output and NMEA sentences for example that can then be interpreted by GPSD and chrony?I'm not aware of any. We have DCF77 here, which is supported by the ntpd parse driver reading the signal from a serial port. I guess the easiest solution would be to port the ntpd audio code to alsa or pipewire and then use the SOCK wrapper ntp-refclock to feed chrony.
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