[chrony-users] Using radio time signal for syncronization

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Does anybody know of a way to get chrony to synchronize to a radio time signal? I am in North America, where we have the WWV radio station in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA and CHU radio station in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

I know ntpd has drivers for these radio stations, and it is possible to use an ordinary radio tuned to the frequency of one of these stations and a sound card that receives output from the radio to synchronize to these time signals. However, those drivers are ancient and written for OSS (open sound system), which has been deprecated on Linux a long time ago. So it's very difficult or maybe even impossible to use them with modern operating systems.

Is there either a software implementation that would allow chrony to synchronize to these time signals, or is there a device that can be purchased or built with certain chips, that would produce 1PPS output and NMEA sentences for example that can then be interpreted by GPSD and chrony?

I've looked for solutions, but so far haven't been successful.

I also understand that these time signals are largely outdated, and less accurate than GPS. I already have a GPS device with 1PPS for chrony, however, want additional redundancy and for other reasons as well.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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