Re: [chrony-users] Debugging PPS messages in chrony

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Of course when you try to debug it you issue the command "chronyc sources" to see what inputs are
received and if they are locked.  You can look under the "Reach" header for the 377 which means the
inputs are seen and valid, and in the second column a * shows the source is locked.
I tried this, I actually have a "refclock SHM 2:perm=0666 delay 0.5 refid GPS noselect" in the original config file which I commented to try and focus on the PPS alone. Looking at chrony sources and tracking, both seemed to indicate that no messages were received at all, with last message 0 and reach 0. This I how I got to the point of wanting to investigate means for determining whether PPS was arriving at all.

Nor is availing oneself of any of the other options that
may be relevant to this case...
I wasn't sure who this is referring to, short of ppstest (the output I include in the original email) and putting chrony in debug print mode (which prints nothing) I am not aware of any other debugging tools for this purpose. Would you be able to suggest some?

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 7:24 PM Rob Foehl <rwf@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2024-07-08 at 18:06 +0200, Rob Janssen wrote:
> Furthermore, when you start things using systemd it is tricky because systemd provides no sequence of starting
> daemons, and you have to start the program for SHM and the pps (ldattach) BEFORE starting chrony!

man 5 systemd.unit

It's not "tricky" at all.  Nor is setting up dependent restarts between
services, e.g. having the SHM/PPS service(s) automatically restart
before chrony.  Nor is availing oneself of any of the other options that
may be relevant to this case...


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