Re: [chrony-users] Using gpsd

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On Tue, 19 Mar 2024, David Campbell wrote:

[CAUTION: Non-UBC Email]
Also, the device path given by chrony is out of date and the one given by gpsd works: that is "/run/chrony.XXXX.sock" instead of "/var/run/chrony.clk.XXXX.sock". If I am wrong about the paths, I don't know how chrony works, but only the former works for me.

man chrony.conf

               Unix domain socket driver. It is similar to the SHM driver, but
               samples are received from a Unix domain socket instead of shared
               memory and the messages have a different format. The parameter is the
               path to the socket, which chronyd creates on start. An advantage over
               the SHM driver is that SOCK does not require polling and it can
               receive PPS samples with incomplete time. The format of the messages
               is described in the refclock_sock.c file in the chrony source code.

               An application which supports the SOCK protocol is the gpsd daemon.
               The path where gpsd expects the socket to be created is described in
               the gpsd(8) man page. For example:

                   refclock SOCK /var/run/chrony.ttyS0.sock

See the words "For example:? Ie, the man page says to use what gpsd says the the
path is.

Note that path could well be different for different versions of Linux.

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