Re: [chrony-users] Using gpsd

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Thanks for the clarification.

On 3/19/24 20:43, James Clark wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 4:17 AM David Campbell <dcampbell24@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Also, the device path given by chrony is out of date and the one given
by gpsd works: that is "/run/chrony.XXXX.sock" instead of
"/var/run/chrony.clk.XXXX.sock". If I am wrong about the paths, I don't
know how chrony works, but only the former works for me.

chrony.clk.XXX.sock is a new thing in gpsd 3.25: it gives you the time from GPS serial messages (which is inaccurate but includes the time of day); chrony.XXX.sock gives you the PPS information (which is accurate, but does not tell you which second it is). See

On many recent Linux distros, /var/run is linked to /run.


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