SV: SV: [chrony-users] Output from chronyc sources -v

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Thanks for your reply.

I have 4 local NTP Servers running Chrony 4.2 on Ubuntu 22.04
The idea was they work as a team. 
In the configuration they communicate as servers but I have thought I would prefer to use Peer, but when I read the documentation, I am unsure if this is the best way.

I can see the current version is 4.5 but the version coming with Ubuntu 22.04 is 4.2.2, will you suggest to upgrade to version 4.5.

You mention that it is not a good praxis to mixing authenticated and unauthenticated NTP sources, will it be sufficient to use a key file or do I need to upgrade to NTS. Is it possible to setup chrony to respond both to NTS and til NTP?


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sendt: 24. januar 2024 14:30
Til: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: Re: SV: [chrony-users] Output from chronyc sources -v

On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 12:25:27PM +0000, Henning Svane wrote:
> sudo chronyc selectdata
> S Name/IP Address        Auth COpts EOpts Last Score     Interval  Leap
> =======================================================================
> *               Y ----- --TR-    0   1.0 -1620us +2207us  N
> +     Y ----- --TR-   56   1.0 -3979us +3541us  N
> +     Y ----- --TR-   57   1.0 -3895us +3548us  N

This output shows some sources combined.

> D     Y ----- --TR-   52   1.0   -11ms   +13ms  N
> D     Y ----- --TR-   72   1.0   -11ms   +13ms  N

These two are not combined because their root distance (11+13ms) is too large when compared to the best source (1.6+2.2ms).

> T                N ----- -----    1   1.0 -4366us +6048us  N
> T         N ----- -----   72   1.0 -1685us +2349us  N
> T         N ----- -----   96   1.0 -1842us +2450us  N
> T         N ----- -----   76   1.0 -1627us +2387us  N
> T         N ----- -----   18   1.0 -1751us +2379us  N
> T         N ----- -----    3   1.0 -1773us +2443us  N
> T           N ----- -----   89   1.0 -1557us +2405us  N

These sources are ignored because they are not authenticated and not more accurate than the best authenticated source. It's better to avoid mixing authenticated and unauthenticated NTP sources.

Miroslav Lichvar

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