[chrony-users] Output from chronyc sources -v

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how come all the other server is "not combined".

And also all the other local NTP servers NTP0X are unusable




Every 2.0s: chronyc sources -v                                                                                                                              swntp01: Wed Jan 24 01:29:45 2024



  .-- Source mode  '^' = server, '=' = peer, '#' = local clock.

/ .- Source state '*' = current best, '+' = combined, '-' = not combined,

| /             'x' = may be in error, '~' = too variable, '?' = unusable.

||                                                 .- xxxx [ yyyy ] +/- zzzz

||      Reachability register (octal) -.           |  xxxx = adjusted offset,

||      Log2(Polling interval) --.      |          |  yyyy = measured offset,

||                                \     |          |  zzzz = estimated error.

||                                 |    |           \

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample


^* time.dfm.dk                   1   7   377    34   -127us[ -145us] +/- 2088us

^- gbg1-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    94   -509us[ -527us] +/- 3746us

^- gbg2-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    93   -402us[ -421us] +/- 3787us

^- lul1-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    90   +415us[ +397us] +/-   12ms

^- lul2-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    91   +192us[ +174us] +/-   12ms

^- mmo1-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    92   -436us[ -454us] +/- 2138us

^? mmo2.nts.netnod.se            0   7     0     -     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns

^- sth1-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    96   -104us[ -122us] +/- 5850us

^? sth2-ts.nts.netnod.se         0   7     0     -     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns

^- svl1-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    93   -366us[ -384us] +/- 8866us

^- svl2-ts.nts.netnod.se         1   7   377    85   -519us[ -537us] +/- 8984us

^- ptbtime1.ptb.de               1   7   377    99   +367us[ +349us] +/- 6509us

^- ptbtime2.ptb.de               1   7   377    30   +619us[ +619us] +/- 6588us

^- ptbtime3.ptb.de               1   7   377    27   +578us[ +578us] +/- 6459us

^? ns.tele.dk                    1   7   377    41  +2819us[+2800us] +/- 7332us

^? NTP02.energy.dk               2   7   377    98    +56us[  +38us] +/- 2290us

^? NTP03.energy.dk               2   7   377   106    +60us[  +42us] +/- 2109us

^? NTP04.energy.dk               2   7   377    30    +22us[  +22us] +/- 2128us

^? NTP02.energy.dk               2   7   377    36    +57us[  +38us] +/- 2273us

^? NTP03.energy.dk               2   7   377    37    +73us[  +55us] +/- 2162us

^? NTP04.energy.dk               2   7   377    39    -19us[  -37us] +/- 2114us




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