Re: [chrony-users] Chrony not taking SOCKET data from Application

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Le 28/06/2023 à 19:19, Bill Unruh a écrit :
Why would you be using makestep if the difference were more than 100ns. That
both seems extreme and totally subverts the action of chrony. Chrony is
designed to correct the system clock to the best estimate of the true time and rate. Makestep ruins that, especially the rate estimate. Nothing can control the clock to 100ns unless you have very special hardware. 100ns is less than
100 ft of cable, and needs very special impedance matching to attain.

The main problem is not the cable, but the system himself : bus latency, irq latency etc... You're right : very special hardware is needed to reach less than 100ns measurement induced error/system clock tracking.


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