[chrony-users] RTOS with Chrony/GPS - worth considering ?

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Apologies if this is a question which has been asked before or is not suited to this list.

I'm planning to setup a GPS backed timeserver, and my understanding is that the "best" way to do this currently is to use GPSd + chrony to get GPS + 1PPS.

Reading up a little on the details, my understanding is that the 1PPS part works by generating interrupts on the server either via GPIO or COM Port DCD pin.

This then raised the question in my mind as to whether choice of OS was important. In particular whether the use of an RTOS platform (e.g. FreeRTOS) would be beneficial given that the internals of na RTOS mean it is better setup for dealing with interrupts in an efficient and timely manner ?

So in a nutshell, would the use of an RTOS be un-necessary premature optimisation or genuinely useful ?

I also have a second question. Is there any point using an augmentation service (i.e. NTRIP, PPP, SBAS and the like) in a timing context ?  Or are they only useful in a positioning context ?

Thanks !


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