[chrony-users] makestep and refclocks

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I hope I am just ignorant and missing something but should the makestep directive in chrony.conf work with a refclock as the time source?


I have “makestep 1 3” in chrony.conf and that works perfectly when using a server as the time source.

It will correct any offset of the clock very quickly and maintain it from there.


But when I set the source to “refclock SHM 0” it never does the makestep.


I confirmed the source was still feeding good time into the SHM and chronyd –dd output shows it being received.

This is all it ever outputs.

refclock.c:616 valid_sample_time   refclock sample time <value> not valid age = <large number>


The age is a large negative value (because I set the “wrong” test time far in the past).

But shouldn’t makestep ignore the size of this delta and step the clock once like it does with the server configuration?


Thanks for any advice!


Mike Jones


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