Re: [chrony-users] Will it EVER synch and start serving?

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On 3/1/21 11:50 AM, Dan Gearty wrote:
I am just another user and do not know the details, but isn't makestep necessary to allow for a large enough clock jump to a close enough time for the clock speed algorithm to have a chance of functioning?

makestep 1.0 3

That's my understanding too.  Before chronyd was started, the system's clock, via other NTP commands, was shown to be within < 500 ms. of NTP time, so there should be no need in this particular case for any makestep beyond the built-in default settings.

And if that works, a driftfile will assist the subsequent startups of the clock speed algorithm

driftfile /opt/var/lib/chrony/drift

Ignore the path, I am running chrony on a consumer wireless router via Entware.

I've used both the simple config. currently posted, as well as more complex ones that specify a driftfile. And then I'd run chronyd for several days in hopes it would synch.  No such luck!  I simplified things to the bare bones as best I could to attempt to eliminate any non-default settings being my problem.

Puzzled still,
Aaron out.

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