Re: [chrony-users] Multi-PPS+RTC Setup Questions

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NMEA, at least on many systems also seems to vary based on the time required to calculate the fix, which varies based on sats and is presumably some good chunk of a second already (cause why would you overspec the CPU in the GPS receiver to calculate much quicker than that?).

On 9/29/20 5:35 PM, Bill Unruh wrote:
There is no way that pps from any gps
chipset should be out by 30us and variable at that level.

Just a note, at least in my case, the PPS outputs are not variable at 30us, they are fixed at a 30us offset from each other, and variable within reason for the system (embedded with poor system clock stability, but not too slow with only some reasonable interrupt processing latency). Indeed, I agree its a bonkers result, but absent any other evidence, I'm left blaming u-blox. Maybe its the 9-series just being too new and buggy (I've noticed a number of other bugs in its output, though all incredibly trivial ones).


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