[chrony-users] NTPsec's NTPViz Grapher Log Adapter

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In case anyone else finds this useful, I spent the time to write out some python to convert chrony's stats logs to something that looks close enough to ntpd that ntpsec's ntpviz can graph it.

Its not perfect - "Local RMS Frequency Jitter" is just the error bound chrony reports (which seems to be something similar, but different?) and statistics.log doesn't report an average/median RTT time, so that is filled with 0s (maybe that would be a useful thing to provide?), but it otherwise works.

Demo at https://noc.as397444.net/ntpgraphs/ script at
https://gist.github.com/TheBlueMatt/90ae63b75a9163e752ec726093e4d89c run with TZ=UTC cause I'm lazy.


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