Re: [chrony-users] PTP as chrony time source and leap seconds

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On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 12:48:14PM +0200, Olaf Frączyk wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use PTP as one of chrony time sources. The chrony would
> discipline local clock and serve NTP to clients.
> I have found that one needs to specify number of leap seconds in config file
> when using PHC.

There is also the "tai" option to automatically correct refclock
samples for the TAI-UTC offset.

> Why is it necessary? The PTP protocol includes TAI-UTC offset.

PTP does, but chrony doesn't speak PTP.

> I saw that a possible solution would be to synchronize system clock using
> ptp4l with phc2sys and use local clock as chrony time source - however it
> may cause problems if PTP synchronization fails - and chrony will not know
> that local clock is unsynchronized. That's why I would like to use PTP
> source in chrony directly.

It's the opposite. The PHC refclock may be problematic when PTP stops
working. With phc2sys in the automatic mode (-a option) that shouldn't
be a problem.

My recommendation is to use phc2sys -a -E ntpshm and configure chrony
to use that SHM as a reference clock. In linuxptp there is a
timemaster program, which can be useful when you have multiple PTP
sources and don't want to deal with all the different programs that
need to be configured and started.

Miroslav Lichvar

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