Re: [chrony-users] 'fallbackdrift' and temporarily connected ref-clocks

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I might still be confused, it seems that there may be a mode of operation between 'tracking' and 'fallback'.
tracking --loss_of_clock--> ????? --drift_time_out--> freewheel
I do understand that I can stay longer there (in ?????), but what's actually happening, and why is it better if there are no other clocks to correct the system?

You asked about requirements:
For DIY LTC I would want a precision of < +-100us (when tracking clock) and a drift of < 1frame (+-15ms) in 8hrs

I did a longer test run and uploaded some zip-file here:

With 6hr of training (previously deleted 'chrony.drift') and then 9hr of freewheel I achieve around -6ms drift. The drift looks like it could be further corrected for. Setup was a 'DigiDesign SyncIO' generating/feeding LTC into a Dell laptop runing libltc and tools.


On 2020-07-20 01:11, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 10:57:44AM -0600, simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am confused about 'fallbackdrift'; if my understanding is correct the above will cause the real time drift corrections from 'LTC' will be dropped
between 16s and 32s.

Q. Is this understanding correct?

The average frequency offset will be applied at 16s and 32s after the
last update of the clock. You would probably want to use a much longer
interval, one that covers daily temperature changes, etc.

Q. Is there a better way to handled a disappearing ref-clock?

For a start, I'd recommend to disable the fallbackdrift, enable the
tracking log, and let it run for a day with the refclock to see how
the frequency is changing over time.

Q. Is there a (better?) way to confirm drift compensation source?

The tracking log will show you the corrections as they are applied.

Some (considerable) time later, I can see that local time has drifted off.

What are your requirements? Don't expect miracles with an ordinary
computer clock.

Miroslav Lichvar

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