[chrony-users] chronyc (ntpdata) and Reference ID like ntpq -p data -> refid

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under ntpd - following command "ntpq -4p" produces in my setup follwoing output:

# ntpq -4p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*ntp1.m-online.n     2 u  395 1024  377   25.932    0.693   1.653
+ntp2.m-online.n     2 u  871 1024  377   24.302    0.440   0.549

My question, with chronyc, is there a possibility to get the ip address like
the refid under "ntpq -4p" too.

With "chronyc ntpdata ntp1.m-online.net" - only a HEX -
"Reference ID    : D412016A ()" will be shown, but NOT the ip address behind
the "Reference ID    : D412016A ()" - like under "ntpq -4p".

Thank you in advance!


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