[chrony-users] help with bindacqaddress

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I'm in the process to migrate my systems to from ntpd to chrony
I have a case where such migration does not seem straightforward.
Here it is:
On a machine a have a normal network interface (eth0) plus a
VPN interface (tun0) I want the time client to contact the 
servers only using the network interface.
With ntpd I use in the configuration file:
  interface listen eth0
with chrony the equivalent command should be:
  bindacqaddress <ip>
and while this works with a network interface with static
ip address, it is troublesome with DHCP.
( I need to change chrony.conf and and restart chronyd every
time the ip address changes).
Am I missing something? Could bindacqaddress be changed to
have as argument also the network interface name instead of 
the ip address?


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