Re: [chrony-users] help with bindacqaddress

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routing is something done by the kernel and the routing tables, not by chrony.
Thus you would have to alter the kernel routing tables to tell the system to
route the addresses you want via eth0 rather than tun0.

Ie, I have no idea what the purpose is of the bindacqaddress is.

You could always have some little program checking the address of the eth0
route after you start chrony and then have chronyc (using the chrony-helper
program) put in the appropriate bindacqaddress. I am of course assuming that
giving a new command supplants the old, byt am still confused as to why. .

William G. Unruh __| Canadian Institute for|____ Tel: +1(604)822-3273
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UBC, Vancouver,BC _|_ Program in Cosmology |____ unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Canada V6T 1Z1 ____|____ and Gravity ______|_

On Mon, 25 May 2020, Giacomo Comes wrote:

I'm in the process to migrate my systems to from ntpd to chrony
I have a case where such migration does not seem straightforward.
Here it is:
On a machine a have a normal network interface (eth0) plus a
VPN interface (tun0) I want the time client to contact the
servers only using the network interface.
With ntpd I use in the configuration file:
 interface listen eth0
with chrony the equivalent command should be:
 bindacqaddress <ip>
and while this works with a network interface with static
ip address, it is troublesome with DHCP.
( I need to change chrony.conf and and restart chronyd every
time the ip address changes).
Am I missing something? Could bindacqaddress be changed to
have as argument also the network interface name instead of
the ip address?

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