RE: [chrony-users] Comparing timekeeping performance with chronyd to ntpd

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Well, no daemon can be more precise than its sources.
I would use independent measurements against the same source(s) individually using "ntpdate -q <addr>" and/or "chronyd -Q -f <addr.cfg>" (*). Preferably both.


(*) <addr.cfg> containing "server <addr> iburst"

-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Dienstag, 30. April 2019 10:15
To: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [chrony-users] Comparing timekeeping performance with chronyd to ntpd

> Ideally we would not need a GPS slaved machine to do the monitoring 
> and comparison, but methods that assume such a machine might also be 
> of interest if there is no other way to obtain the information.
> Currently we are thinking of ntpd with the statistics command on on a 
> third machine, but don't really know how we would process the results.

I'm not sure how useful that would be. If you need to compare the accuracy of the clocks synchronized by ntpd/chronyd, you need a more accurate and independent time source, e.g. a GPS refclock.

Miroslav Lichvar

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