[chrony-users] Polling intervals between peers

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I am using 4 own (internal) Chrony servers which are synced from web (external) NTP sources.
Additionally, my own servers are all in peer relation to each other.

NTP’s documentation (https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/assoc.html#poll) has the following sentence regarding peers: “With symmetric modes the most stable behavior results when both peers are configured in symmetric active mode with matching poll intervals of 6 (64 s)”

Does the same recommendation apply for peers set up in Chrony?
If yes, does it have any explanation why polling=6 is better for peers instead of something like “minpoll 2 maxpoll 4 polltarget 30” if peers are in local network with short distance between each other?

I’ve done a simple test ... configured my sever A to peers B, C and D with “minpoll 2 maxpoll 6 polltarget 30” to observe how polling will change. A B C are in the same subnet/VLAN (Peer delay ~0.0001s), D is in distant backup localization but still with good link and short distance (Peer delay ~0.001s). With mentioned “minpoll 2 maxpoll 6 polltarget 30” settings, A->B and A->C (so polls to very close hosts) ends up with max Poll=2 for most of the time while A->D (so to distant peer) always raise towards Poll=6. Is that explainable somehow or I am looking into non-existing issue and I should go to sleep leaving defaults and letting Chrony to do its calculate job? 

Example sources output:

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
=+ b.foo.bar.net 2 2 377 5 +31us[ +31us] ± 5290us =+ c.foo.bar.net 2 2 377 4 +48us[ +48us] ± 5128us =+ d.foo.bar.net 2 6 377 30 -32us[ -30us] ± 6927us

Example sourcestats output:

Name/IP Address NP NR Span Frequency Freq Skew Offset Std Dev ==============================================================================
b.foo.bar.net               8   7    29     -1.290      3.407 +37us    16us
c.foo.bar.net              46  22   181     +0.007      0.124 +40us    13us
d.foo.bar.net 30 12 26m +0.031 0.065 -236us 43us

On the other hand, I would like to understand what I’m doing as whole topic of minpoll/maxpoll/polltarget is still a bit non-clear to me despite of pretty good info in chrony’s FAQ page. Should I simply observe “NP” + “Span” fields as an indication of any poll values tuning?

Thanks in advance

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