RE: -EXT-[chrony-users] New system ntp daemon on macOS 10.13

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Hmmm....If I recall timed protocol was used prior to NTP protocol becoming
widely adapted.

***** ***** *****
Michael D. Parker
General Atomics ? ElectroMagnetics Systems Division (EMS)
Michael.d.parker@xxxxxx  <<<<< NOTE: Remember to include my middle initial

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Christianson [mailto:bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:38 PM
To: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: -EXT-[chrony-users] New system ntp daemon on macOS 10.13

I was just looking through macOS 10.13, wondering why ntpd was not running.
Apple seem to have got rid of it and are now using something called timed.
I don't know anything at all about it, other than its running (I just
enabled it after stopping chronyd) and I think is using the ntpd config
files. There is a man page (posted below). It must have been around for a
while as it was available in iOS 5.0

I guess its either NOT making any adjtime() calls and is exclusively using
ntp_adjtime(), or alternatively, they have deliberately broken adjtime() in
the kernel to match what this timed is expecting. Probably the former rather
than the latter I would hope.

TIMED(8)                  BSD System Manager's Manual

     timed -- time synchronization daemon

     timed takes no arguments, and users should not launch it manually.

     timed maintains system clock accuracy by synchronizing the clock with
reference clocks via
     technologies like NTP.  Inputs are merged inside of timed, where it
calculates uncertainty to
     facilitate scheduling proactive time jobs. timed is also aware of
power/battery conditions.

                   NTP server configuration.

                   The cached state of timed

                   The timed service's property list file for launchd(8).

     date(1), settimeofday(2), adjtime(2), gettimeofday(2), launchd(8)

     This timed first appeared in Mac OS X 10.13 and iOS 5.0.

Darwin                         January 26, 2016

Bryan Christianson

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