Re: [chrony-users] chrony configuration help (please)

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On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 10:56:51PM +0200, Mauro Condarelli wrote:

2. In the above event, after several minutes, chrony announces it is going to step by several million seconds (as expected); shortly thereafter system dies... somewhat; i.e.: serial console and ssh are completely unresponsive, but "ping" gets an answer. Nothing is logged.

Hm, that's odd. Can you reproduce the problem by stepping the clock
manually with the date command, e.g. date -s '+ 1000000 sec' ?

In this context might there be an option for chrony to take the intial time
when starting up from the date and time on some file. eg --startfile <nameoffile>
If that directive is there then chrony would use the  mtime (plus say 60 sec)  from that file as the
startup file if the rtc time does not exist, or if the rtc time is earlier
than that mtime. That would solve the problem of an insanely early rtc time or
no rtc at all (rPi for example) and give a time which is at least not totally
crazy.  The problem with iburst is
that the clock is initially set already to a potentially insane time so the
system for a while has a problematic time.

Re the problem itself, ping is pretty deep down in the kernel, so much of the
kernel could be dead, and user programs dead and ping will still respond. But
the kernel should not die just because the clock is advanced by a few decades. Sounds like a kernel bug. What OS/Distribution is this again?

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