Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH] Add support for the UT1 time scale

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An interesting idea.  The documentation seems a little bit unclear
on just what this parameter changes.

Does it change the system clock of the system running it, into UT1?
Does it change the time reported to other NTP servers, reporting UT1?
Does it change the time expected from other NTP servers, accepting UT1?

Are these changes separate or are they tied together?  E.g. could
someone run a chrony daemon that serves UT1 clients, even though the
system time is in UTC?

If an ordinary NTP peer (that doesn't know about UT1) connects to a
chrony that's configured to report UT1, does that peer get confused
about the time, or is this error diagnosed?

Would two instances of chrony that peer, successfully diagnose that they
are running on different time scales?  On which end (or on both ends?)
is the UT1 scale configured?  Suppose this config is specified wrongly
at one end?

Thank you.


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