Re: [chrony-dev] Changing License to GPL for candm.h

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On 09.05.23 09:19, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 05:10:17PM +0200, Walfred Tedeschi wrote:
From our last conversations, it did not look like you had priority on that.
We could bring more users/customers that would be interested in that tool.
If so, would that increase the priority?
It might help to know there is a larger number of users interested in

At the moment there are 2 big customers at the industrial sector. We expect more to come.

Contextualizing the usage and need for the library:

1. We are talking about stack providers for industrial protocols as Profinet, OPC UA,  and others.

2. Usage from inside the stack it is needed to know the quality of the synchronization, having information about current

offset with master and even being notified if synchronization goes above a threshold. It means a common use case for any provider

of automation.

3. We also expect those costumers to provide feedback in the development list.

I am looking for disclosing the name of them and bringing it here. However, we will be bringing that to a bigger forum soon.

At first, would you also be maintaining that code? In a positive case, it
might be we would have some good contributions to add, taking good feedback
from customer(s).
I'm willing to maintain the code. I'll try to publish what I have in
the next few weeks and see if that looks reasonable to you.
That is good, as soon as it is done, the plan is to start contribution

But also interesting is the license planed for the library, what are you
considering as a good license for the library?
I was thinking about LGPLv2+.

I believe it should work, I will get a feedback from the customer on that just to be on the safe side:)


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