Re: [chrony-dev] Frequency transfer in NTP

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I am a bit confused. I thought that chrony delivered its best estimate of the
time now, which might be different from the time actually shown by the system
clock, because it was still in the process of being corrected. So, if it
decided that the time, from the best fit, now was 12:00:00.00000000 but the system
clock was 11:59:26.4, it would transfer 12:00:00.000000000 as the current
time. I also am not sure what frequency transfer means. The frequency should be 1.
Does frequency transfer mean telling the remote clock what its estimate of the
frequency of the local clock is? Why would that help the remote clock?

William G. Unruh __| Canadian Institute for|____ Tel: +1(604)822-3273
Physics&Astronomy _|___ Advanced Research _|____ Fax: +1(604)822-5324
UBC, Vancouver,BC _|_ Program in Cosmology |____ unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Canada V6T 1Z1 ____|____ and Gravity ______|_

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

I guess most people here don't follow the NTP WG list. There is one
feature proposed for NTPv5 that I think would make a big difference
for chrony:

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