Re: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock

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   As the application runs on the NTP server machine, time on the machine is thinked accurate. I just can't figure out why synchonizing to itself will make 
   the NTP synchronization status becomes No after several hours.
   timedatectl output: 
    from NTP synchronized: yes to  NTP synchronized: no

From: Miroslav Lichvar
Date: 2020-06-25 22:36
To: chrony-dev
Subject: Re: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 10:22:00PM +0800, xqmeng80@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>    My database application runs on this machine and the application can't work with 'NTP synchronization status no'。
>    If I remove the line 'server iburst', the NTP synchronization status is always no.
>    By the way I check the ntp synchronization status with adjtimex mode 0.
An application requires accurate system clock, and you are trying to
force it to run even when the clock is not synchronized?
The 'local' directive is a server feature, not client's, so that won't
work. If you have installed adjtimex, you could use it to clear the
unsynchronized status periodically with "adjtimex -S 0 -m 0".. No need
to run an NTP server/client.
Miroslav Lichvar
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