Re: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock

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   The machine I started chronyd is as a NTP server to other machine. If the machine don't synchronize to itself, is there a way to make 'NTP synchronize status' always true on the NTP server machine ?

From: xqmeng80@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2020-06-25 22:22
To: chrony-dev
Subject: Re: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock
   My database application runs on this machine and the application can't work with 'NTP synchronization status no'。
   If I remove the line 'server iburst', the NTP synchronization status is always no.
   By the way I check the ntp synchronization status with adjtimex mode 0.

Date: 2020-06-25 22:04
Subject: Re: [chrony-dev] Issue about chronyd synchronize to local clock
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 09:54:56PM +0800, xqmeng80@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi All,
>         I started chronyd as a client and server, then I try to synchronize to local clock with the following configuration:
>         server iburst
Try removing the line above. You don't want the server to be
synchronizing to itself.
Miroslav Lichvar
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