Re: [chrony-dev] IPv6 link-local support

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On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 11:58:48AM +0000, Rasmus Villemoes wrote:
> Now, is that a fundamental limitation, or is it something that might be
> supported? We have a number of clients that want to switch to chrony,
> but lack of IPv6LL is mostly a showstopper. I'm happy to try to dig into
> the code and help produce patches, but I will probably need a few
> pointers to get me started.

It should be possible to support it in chrony, but I suspect it would
require a lot of new code. I'm not sure if it's worth it. If it could
be implemented easily in few lines of code, I'd be happy to include

I think there are quite a lot of places that would need to be extended
to work with the interface name or index in addition to the address.
This includes the client log, address filter, cmdmon protocol and
chronyc. It would require system specific code, e.g. to convert the
interface name to its index. Also, I'm not sure if we wouldn't need to
monitor changes in the networking configuration for performance
reasons, like ntpd does. Server support seems easier than client

Could you describe your use case in more detail and why is it not
possible to enable ULA in the network? It doesn't seem to be a common
use case.

Miroslav Lichvar

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