If you would like to send a git patch for that, I'll be happy to
include it.
I'm not sure it's that easy upon further review, as in the NEWS file for 3.4 this was intentional:
"* Change default pidfile to /var/run/chrony/chronyd.pid to allow
chronyd without root privileges to remove it on exit"
The new systemd change would seem to conflict with the Enhancement, as moving the pidfile to /var/run (which on my system is a symlink to /run) would revert that behaviour. Even though I can easily edit the systemd unit, the code itself is compiled to create the pidfile in the subdirectory (outside of systemd); to get them to align has a conflict.
We do have the option to specify the `--with-pidfile=/var/run/chrony.pid` during compile time, which might be the better solution for downstream packagers so that the above Enhancement is not lost? I think it depends upon what problem the above Enhancement was trying to solve...