[chrony-dev] "leapsectz" and leapsecond announce (was:refclock: Add a new "tai" option)

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> It is also possible that a leap second is subtracted rather than added, and
> the code should take that into account. (But by now, it is doubtful that any
> negative leap seconds will occur in the future, unless perhaps there are a
> bunch of really powerful earthquakes which change the moment of intertia of
> the earth.
Which is possible crazy people with nuclear power in hand...

One side question about "leapsectz" option: Does the use of the option 
imply ignoring leap announcements from other ntp servers or sources ?
Which would imply that the timezone database MUST be maintained up to 
date to honor any future leap ?

Or leap announcement is taken into account but utc-tai offset lost in 
case of a restart ?

In any case, a little add to clarify this point would be great in the 
"leapsectz" option documentation.


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