Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH] Add option --without-clock-gettime to disable clock_gettime even if present

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On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 01:03:24AM +1200, Bryan Christianson wrote:
> -if test_code 'clock_gettime()' 'time.h' '' '' \
> -  'clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL);'
> -then
> -else
> -  if test_code 'clock_gettime() in -lrt' 'time.h' '' '-lrt' \
> +if [ $try_clock_gettime = "1" ]; then
> +  if test_code 'clock_gettime()' 'time.h' '' '' \
>      'clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL);'
>    then
>      add_def HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME
> -    EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS -lrt"
>    else
> -    try_phc=0
> +    if test_code 'clock_gettime() in -lrt' 'time.h' '' '-lrt' \
> +      'clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL);'
> +    then
> +      add_def HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME
> +      EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS -lrt"
> +    else
> +      try_phc=0
> +    fi
>    fi
>  fi

The try_phc variable should be set to 0 when not using clock_gettime()
as the PHC refclock depends on it. I'll fix that and push. Thanks!

Miroslav Lichvar

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