Re: [chrony-dev] [GIT] chrony/chrony.git annotated tag, 1.27-pre1, created. 1.27-pre1

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On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 07:08:14PM -0800, Bill Unruh wrote:
> I have just noticed that (in chrony 1.26) the offsets are now all reported
> relative to the last second, rather than the nearest second. Thus positive
> offsets are reported to ns, while negative offsets, since they start with
> 9.99999 only report offsets to the nearest 100ns (in refclock.log). Ie, there are no negative
> offsets anymore. This seems a bit strange. While one could say that reporting
> to the nearest 100ns is already too much accuracy, it would be aesthetically
> more pleasing if negative and positive offsets were symmetrically handled.

That's only for raw PPS offset, right? The raw value is printed as
received from PPS refclock driver, which doesn't know the PPS rate and
can't easily convert 0.999 to -0.001.

The cooked offset in the next column should be ok.

Miroslav Lichvar

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