Re: [chrony-dev] Running chronyd without syncing system clock

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On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 05:39:54PM +0100, Leo Baltus wrote:
> It would be quite nice if we could separate the network service from the
> sync-to-system-clock service. In that case we could a) run a local chronyd
> which bind()'s to an unusual port and acts as a ntpclient syncing the
> system clock, and b) have a network service which communicates to the outside
> and serves ntp to network clients, possibly the one which runs locally.
> Now if we stop the network service and start it elsewhere there is
> nothing more to do and the clients will just records this as a short
> ntp-outage.
> For this to work we 'only' have to have an option that says something
> like no-system-clock-sync everything else seems to be there already.

If you want to just serve local time, the "local stratum" feature
could be used for that, but there is a problem that it doesn't
preserve the root delay and dispersion values, so clients could easily
mark this server as falseticker.

Another possibility would be something similar to ntpd's "disable ntp"
which would disable the clock discipline completely. That should be
pretty easy to add, I think all is needed is to remove the
LCL_Accumulate* calls in REF_SetReference().

Miroslav Lichvar

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