Re: [chrony-dev] [GIT] chrony/chrony.git branch, master, updated. 1.25-pre1-18-g20a4340

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On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:53:58AM +0100, Ed W wrote:
> However, getting back to release schedules - we have git - it's
> WONDERFUL for branching... Can I please suggest a feature freeze on the
> current code, revert anything which could be controversial and stabilise
> (urgently?) for a release. 

Why urgently? I don't mind if we lose a week for what I think is a nice

> Create a new branch for the next version and
> hack away on new confidence calculations in there.  Remember that if you
> checkin a bug fix it's trivial to "pull" that to all release branches
> (ie git makes it easy to maintain 1.1.x and 1.2.x and 1.3.x, where bug
> fixes get easily pulled into all relevant branches in one hit!)

Yes, git is very good at branching, but sometimes the patch can't be
applied cleanly and has to be backported. The time I can spend on
chrony is quite limited, I'd rather keep working only in one branch.
Are you willing to maintain a "super stable" branch?

BTW, we already have a 1.23 security branch.

> I really appreciate your work on this, but for right or wrong I think
> most users do not test git code points, only "numbered releases" and so
> it's important to get a "number" on the current code and get it out?

I hope we'll get 1.25-pre2 out next week and if nothing bad shows up
we can make final 1.25 a week or two after that.

> Please also give serious consideration to a new numbering convention now
> we switched to git?  Git branching now makes it much easier to develop
> in multiple code bases at the same time, so releases should become
> slightly more frequent, with each release being a "feature", and bug
> fixes/non dangerous improvements are easily backported to previous
> releases.  This seems to work for both developers and users in that you
> can now pick a branch with the features you need and stabilise on it

I'm not really sure that chrony is a good candidate for that. It's
small, slowly moving (the average commit rate since last release is
only about 10/month) and all releases should be stable, we surely
don't want to release a misbehaving NTP client or unreliable server.

Miroslav Lichvar

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