Re: [chrony-dev] can chrony adjust H/W clock too ?q:q

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On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, J. Bakshi wrote:

Thanks a lot for your clarification and suggestion. Then I do continue with the corn - way as you suggest.  I understand as ntp chrony has been designed to address the system time. Maybe in future it can also take care of rtc clock too as rtc clock has its own importance on the system and an accurate rtc clock is always a must.

Well, no, an accurate rtc is not really a must. Especially with chrony. You
can tell chrony to query a remote ntp source and if the time is out by more
than x, it will step the time. If less, it will slew the time, quite rapidly. (chrony converges much faster than does ntpd)
 Thus it is not really important that the rtc be accurate. But as I said,
chrony can use the rtc to start up relatively accurately ( but you cannot use
ntp and hwclock together. Neither knows about the other)

my best wishes to all of you.

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:08:29 -0700 (PDT)
Bill Unruh <unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

A followup note-- If you use hwclock while using chrony, chrony will
get very confused in its calculation of the rate of the rtc.(real
time clock) since there are these steps being imposed from outside.
Now, you do not need to use the chrony rtc control (get rid of the
rtcfile directive in chrony.conf). and that is probably best if you
use hwclock as you do.

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010, J. Bakshi wrote:

Hello list,

I have a cron which sync the sytem time to H/W clock by hwclock
command by regular interval ( once every hour), to maintain both
rtc and system clock same. I wonder if there is any option in
chrony itself to adjust the H/W clock too. Is there any ?

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