Re: [chrony-dev] chronyc linear fit data point dump

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On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Bill Unruh wrote:

On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Håkan Johansson wrote:


I could not find a command in chronyc to dump all the currently active data
points used in the linear fit for a source.  This list together with the
residuals would be nice to see what chronyd is up to.  For monitoring, I'm
using (and quite happy with):

Not sure what you would want. Of course to some extent the offsets measured
and reported in measurement.log are used to determine that linear fit. But in
addition, those offsets are continually corrected for the changes in offset
and rate that chrony impliments, so the linear regression in on values which
can differ significantly from the measured offsets. What do you mean by "what
chrony is up to"? How would these values help you in any sense?

The idea would be to see this process of the raw data being continuously adjusted in real-time. As sort of an educational tool.

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