[chrony-dev] Build scripts.

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Dear All,

Whilst I've been using Chrony for some time, I haven't previously done
any development of the code beyond small hacks to get cross compiling
to work on particular setups.

Anyhow the purpose of this email is to assess peoples views on changing
the current hand rolled configure scripts for some that are more flexible
and less likely to cause problems during cross compiles. I am particularly
interested in avoiding some the mess that is currently required to get it
to build as part of the openembedded system.

To that end I was was considering submitting some patches to use autotools
to handle the process. Clearly I don't have access to all the supported
OSes which would make testing 'interesting'.

Before spending too much time on this I thought I'd inquire if a move
to autotools is something people would welcome or not!

If not I can continue to work around problems as and when they



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