Re: [chrony-dev] Re: Chrony files need rescuing

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Bill writes:
> I submitted a few bug changes to the Mandriva repostory, including the
> leap second patch Lichvar posted last fall.  I am being asked what the
> status if of this patch, whether it is "official" and supported by
> upstream.  My answer is yes, but am just wondering whether are any
> objections.

I have no objection.

> Since at pesent the official maintainer is a bit open, exactly what is
> "official" is a bit up in the air.

How about "The official maintainer is the Chrony Development Group"?  I,
at least, consider you part of said group.  Get a TuxFamily account and
I will give you Git commit privileges and then all your patches can be
"official" (assuming, of course, that it is acceptable to Richard that
the TuxFamily repository become the official one).
John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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