[anemon-devs] Of sympathy, and of freshness; he attempts to compe

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[Footnote 17: _OEuv._ i. 225-232.] [Footnote 18: _Letter to
Saint-Vincens_, ii. 146.] [Footnote 19: No. 318.] [Footnote 20:
Napoleon said on some occasion, '_Il faut vouloir vivre et savoir
mourir_.' M. Littre prefaces the third volume of that heroic monument
of learning and industry, his _Dictionary of the French Language_, by
the words: 'He who wishes to employ his life seriously ought always
to act as if he had long to live, and to govern himself as if he
would have soon to die.'] [Footnote 21: No. 223.] [Footnote 22: No.
300.] [Footnote 23: No. 264.] [Footnote 24: _Reflexions Critiques sur
quelques Poetes_, i. 237.] [Footnote 25: _OEuv_. i. 248.] [Footnote
26: _Reflexions Critiques sur quelques Poetes_, i. 238.] [Footnote
27: _OEuv._ i. 243.] [Footnote 28: _OEuv._

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