[anemon-devs] t,' etc. Felt its power myself more t

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Istocracy, the perdition of the

ungodly, and the sin
of the nation. But, 2nd, It was to be hailed for other reasons, viz.,
Christ's kingly offices would be better known, the truth would be
spread into desolate parishes, and faithful ministers would be
refined. And when, on March 7th of the following year, the cause of
the church was finally to be pleaded at the bar of the House of
Commons, I find him writing: "Eventful night

this in
the British Parliament! Once more King Jesus stands at an earthly
tribunal, and they know Him not!" An interesting anecdote is related
of him by a co-presbyter, who returned with him to Dundee after the
Convocation. This co-presbyter, Mr. Stewart, was conversing with him
as to what it might be their duty to

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